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Services minimal

Our Long-Term Investment Approach


We plan for the long-term. Once you retire, your investment portfolio may be the only means to maintain your lifestyle. Our aim is to develop a long-term investment strategy that helps you stay on target with your retirement goals.


We strongly encourage our clients to work with their tax and legal advisors to put in place an estate plan that will help provide for the efficient administration of their assets and help minimize the impact of state and federal estate tax. We work closely with many of our clients’ CPAs and attorneys to help implement the estate plan.


We appreciate meeting our clients’ families because it helps us understand the family dynamics and the client’s desires or concerns. After a client’s death, an heir or trust beneficiary may need guidance about the management of the bequest, or a grandchild may simply want to talk with someone who knew his or her grandparent as a friend. We will be there for your family.